Grashof number

The Grashof number Gr(named after Franz Grashof, 1826-1893) is a dimensionless characteristic number in fluid mechanics that is suitable for estimating flows in thermal convection. It indicates the ratio of the static buoyancy of a fluid to the force acting on the fluid due to viscosity, multiplied by the ratio of the inertial force to the viscous force:

{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}Gr&={\frac {F_{Auft}}{F_{viskos}}}\cdot {\frac {F_{traeg}}{F_{viskos}}}\\&={\frac {g\cdot \gamma \cdot (T_{\mathrm {s} }-T_{\infty })\cdot L^{3}}{\nu ^{2}}}\end{aligned}}}


  • gacceleration due to gravity ( \approx 9{,}81\;{\mathrm {{\tfrac {m}{s^{2}}}}})
  • \gamma coefficient of thermal expansion by volume
  • T_{{\mathrm s}}temperature
  • T_{{\infty }}rest temperature
  • LCharacteristic length
  • \nu kinematic viscosity.

Reformulating the Navier-Stokes equations into the dimensionless form yields the form equivalent to the definition given above

\Leftrightarrow Gr={\frac {\left|\rho -\rho _{0}\right|}{\rho _{0}}}\cdot {\frac {g\cdot L^{3}}{\nu ^{2}}}


  • \rho Density
  • \rho _{0}Density in the undisturbed fluid.

One can also convert the Grashof number into an equivalent Reynolds number in order to subsequently apply the formulae of forced convection to free convection:

See also

  • Hagen number - 2020 / 2023 - License CC3