Where is Grande Comore located?

Q: Where is Grande Comore located?

A: Grande Comore is an island located in the Indian Ocean off the coast of Africa.

Q: What is the size of Grande Comore compared to other islands in the Comoros nation?

A: Grande Comore is the largest island in the Comoros nation.

Q: What is the capital city of Grande Comore?

A: The capital city of Grande Comore is Moroni, which is also the national capital of the Comoros nation.

Q: What is the name of the airport in Grande Comore?

A: The airport in Grande Comore is called Prince Said Ibrahim International Airport.

Q: What is the predominant language spoken in Grande Comore?

A: The predominant language spoken in Grande Comore is Swahili.

Q: Is Grande Comore a part of any other countries or territories?

A: Grande Comore is a part of the Comoros nation.

Q: What is the distance between Grande Comore and the coast of Africa?

A: The distance between Grande Comore and the coast of Africa is unspecified in the given text.

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