How far away is Gliese 667 Cc from Earth?

Q: How far away is Gliese 667 Cc from Earth?

A: Gliese 667 Cc is 22.18 light years away from Earth.

Q: What type of star does Gliese 667 Cc orbit around?

A: Gliese 667 Cc orbits around a red dwarf star named Gliese 667 C.

Q: What is the constellation that the Gliese 667 triple star system is in?

A: The Gliese 667 triple star system is in the constellation of Scorpius.

Q: How does Gliese 667 Cc compare to Earth?

A: Gliese 667 Cc is the most Earth-like planet in 50 light years and has an Earth Similarity Index (ESI) of 0.85.

Q: Where is Gliese 667 Cc located in its habitable zone compared to Earth?

A: Gliese 667 Cc is present in the hot inner edge of its habitable zone, which is closer to its star than the habitable zone of Earth.

Q: How much light does Gliese 667 Cc absorb from its star compared to Earth?

A: Gliese 667 Cc absorbs 90% of the light from its star, which is similar to Earth.

Q: How was Gliese 667 Cc first discovered and confirmed as a planet?

A: Gliese 667 Cc was first found by the European Southern Observatory using the wobble method on November 21, 2011. Its existence was then confirmed by researchers at the University of Göttingen and the Carnegie Institution for Science on February 2, 2012. - 2020 / 2023 - License CC3