Where are the Andes located?

Q: Where are the Andes located?

A: The Andes are a mountain range along the western coast of South America, stretching over 7,000 km / 4,400 miles from the south of Argentina and Chile to the north of Colombia. They are also found in Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador.

Q: How long is the Andes mountain range?

A: The Andes is the longest exposed mountain range in the world, stretching over 7,000 km / 4,400 miles.

Q: What is the highest peak in the Andes?

A: Aconcagua is the highest peak in the Andes at 6,962 m (22,841 ft) above sea level.

Q: Where does Amazon river system have its sources?

A: The Amazon river system has its sources on eastern flanks of the Andes.

Q: What is Mount Chimborazo?

A: Mount Chimborazo is an inactive volcano in Ecuador which last erupted over a thousand years ago and it's point on Earth's surface most distant from its center.

Q: Is Mount Chimborazo still active?

A: No, Mount Chimborazo is an inactive volcano which last erupted over a thousand years ago.

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