What is a giant squid?
Q: What is a giant squid?
A: A giant squid is a deep-ocean dwelling squid that can grow to a tremendous size.
Q: What is the maximum size of a female giant squid?
A: The maximum size of a female giant squid is estimated to be 12-13 meters (39-43ft) from caudal fin to the tip of the two long tentacles.
Q: What is the maximum size of a male giant squid?
A: The maximum size of a male giant squid is estimated to be 10 meters (33ft) from caudal fin to the tip of the two long tentacles.
Q: When were the first images of a live giant squid taken?
A: The first images of a live giant squid were taken on September 30, 2004.
Q: Who took the first images of a live giant squid?
A: Researchers from Japan took the first images of a live giant squid.
Q: When was a live adult giant squid filmed for the first time?
A: A live adult giant squid was filmed for the first time on December 4, 2006.
Q: What is the Kraken?
A: The Kraken is believed to be a giant squid.