What is a gherkin?

Q: What is a gherkin?

A: A gherkin is a type of pickled cucumber.

Q: What is the nickname of a building in London?

A: The nickname of the building in London is "The Gherkin."

Q: What is the actual name of the building in London?

A: The actual name of the building in London is 30 St Mary Axe.

Q: What is the uniqueness of the Gherkin building in London?

A: The uniqueness of the Gherkin building is its distinctive shape.

Q: Is the Gherkin building in London popular among tourists?

A: Yes, the Gherkin building in London is popular among tourists.

Q: What is the significance of the Gherkin building in London?

A: The Gherkin building in London is a symbol of modern architecture.

Q: What other vegetables can be pickled like gherkins?

A: Other vegetables that can be pickled like gherkins include onions, carrots, and beets.

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