When did Ancient Greek philosophy start?
Q: When did Ancient Greek philosophy start?
A: Ancient Greek philosophy started in the 6th century BC.
Q: What did philosophy involve in Ancient Greece?
A: Back then, philosophy included the sciences, maths, politics, and ethics.
Q: What is the significance of Greek philosophy?
A: Greek philosophy is one of the foundations of Western culture. It has influenced other areas of thought such as Rome, Islamic philosophy, and the Renaissance and the Age of Enlightenment.
Q: Were there any influences on Greek philosophy?
A: Greek philosophy may have been somewhat influenced by the ancient Near East.
Q: Who are some of the most important philosophers of Ancient Greece?
A: Some of the most important philosophers of Ancient Greece are Socrates, Aristotle, and Plato.
Q: Did Alexander the Great encounter Greek philosophy?
A: Yes, Alexander the Great learned Greek philosophy before he conquered the Persian empire.
Q: What was the role of mathematics in Ancient Greek philosophy?
A: Many philosophers thought mathematics was important to all knowledge, and Euclid was one of the founders of mathematical thought. He wrote a famous book on geometry called The Elements.