What is Ancestry.com?
Q: What is Ancestry.com?
A: Ancestry.com is a for-profit genealogy company that provides access to genealogical and historical record websites as well as genealogical software and related services.
Q: Where is Ancestry.com based?
A: Ancestry.com is based in Provo, Utah, United States.
Q: What kind of websites does Ancestry.com operate?
A: Ancestry.com operates a network of genealogical and historical record websites focused on the United States and nine foreign countries, as well as other websites such as Archives.com, Fold3.com, and Newspapers.com.
Q: How many records did Ancestry.com provide as of December 2013?
A: As of December 2013, Ancestry.com provided approximately 12.7 billion records.
Q: How many paying subscribers did Ancestry.com have as of December 2013?
A: As of December 2013, Ancestry.com had 2.14 million paying subscribers.
Q: What is Family Tree Maker and who created it?
A: Family Tree Maker is genealogy software created by Ancestry.com that was advertised as "the #1 selling family history software."
Q: In which countries does Ancestry.com operate foreign sites?
A: Ancestry.com operates foreign sites in several countries in Europe (covered by Ancestry.com Europe S.à r.l.), as well as Australia, Canada, and China.