What is a genetic algorithm?
Q: What is a genetic algorithm?
A: A genetic algorithm is an algorithm that imitates the process of natural selection.
Q: What problems can genetic algorithms help solve?
A: Genetic algorithms can help solve optimization and search problems.
Q: What class of algorithms do genetic algorithms belong to?
A: Genetic algorithms belong to the bigger class of evolutionary algorithms.
Q: What processes do genetic algorithms imitate?
A: Genetic algorithms imitate natural biological processes, such as inheritance, mutation, selection and crossover.
Q: In what field of study are genetic algorithms often used?
A: Genetic algorithms are often used in computer science to find complex, non-obvious solutions to algorithmic optimisation and search problems.
Q: What type of search technique are genetic algorithms?
A: Genetic algorithms are global search heuristics.
Q: What is the purpose of genetic algorithms?
A: The purpose of genetic algorithms is to find solutions to optimization and search problems by imitating natural biological processes.