Where was the General Motors railway station located?

Q: Where was the General Motors railway station located?

A: The General Motors railway station was located in Melbourne, Australia.

Q: When was the General Motors railway station opened?

A: The General Motors railway station was opened on November 18, 1956.

Q: Who was the station built to serve?

A: The station was built to service the General Motors factory near it.

Q: How many platforms did the station have?

A: The station had two platforms and a footbridge into the factory.

Q: When did the General Motors factory close?

A: The General Motors factory closed in 1991.

Q: How long did the station remain open after the factory's closure?

A: The station stayed open for eleven years after the factory had been destroyed.

Q: How many passengers on average used the station per day?

A: On average, eight passengers used the station per day.

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