What is Anantapur district?

Q: What is Anantapur district?

A: Anantapur district is a district in the Rayalaseema region of Andhra Pradesh, India.

Q: What is the population of Anantapur district according to the 2011 census?

A: According to the 2011 census, the population of Anantapur district is 4,083,315.

Q: What percentage of the population in Anantapur district is urban?

A: 28.09% of the population in Anantapur district is urban.

Q: Where is the district headquarters of Anantapur district located?

A: The district headquarters of Anantapur district is located in Anantapur city.

Q: What is the literacy rate of Anantapur district?

A: The literacy rate of Anantapur district is 64.28%.

Q: In terms of area, where does Anantapur district rank in Andhra Pradesh?

A: Anantapur district is the largest district in terms of area in Andhra Pradesh.

Q: Where does Anantapur district rank in terms of size among all districts in India?

A: Anantapur district is the eighth largest district in India.

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