What is gasoline?
Q: What is gasoline?
A: Gasoline is a toxic, clear liquid that is mostly used as a fuel in internal combustion engines. It is made by boiling petroleum, a fossil fuel.
Q: How is gasoline made?
A: Gasoline is made through a distillation process where petroleum is heated to a very high temperature and then separates into its components, one of which being gasoline.
Q: What are the main components of gasoline?
A: The main component of gasoline is octane (C8H18), which is a hydrocarbon.
Q: Where can you buy gasoline?
A: You can buy gasoline at gas stations or petrol stations.
Q: What are the different grades of gasoline?
A: Gasoline is graded by its octane rating which measures how well it will burn. Most car engines can burn "regular" grade with an octane rating of 87 while precision-made engines require or prefer "premium" grade with an octane rating of 93. Most stations offer three different mixtures with three separate octane ratings and prices.
Q: Is the exact make up of each brand's gasoline the same across all gas stations?
A: No, each brand's make up may be slightly different depending on what additives they include in order to burn properly in high-compression internal combustion engines.