What was the flight number and route of Garuda Indonesia Flight 152?
Q: What was the flight number and route of Garuda Indonesia Flight 152?
A: Garuda Indonesia Flight 152 was a scheduled domestic Indonesian passenger flight from Soekarno-Hatta International Airport in Jakarta to Polonia International Airport in Medan, North Sumatra.
Q: What type of aircraft was used for Flight 152?
A: Flight 152 was flown using an Airbus A300B4 registered PK-GAI and operated by Garuda Indonesia.
Q: What caused the low visibility during the flight?
A: The low visibility during Flight 152 was caused by the 1997 Southeast Asian haze.
Q: How many people were killed in the Flight 152 disaster?
A: All 234 passengers and crew were killed in the Flight 152 disaster.
Q: Who was the pilot of Flight 152?
A: Hance Rahmowiyogo was the pilot of Flight 152.
Q: How much flying experience did Rahmowiyogo have?
A: Rahmowiyogo had over 20 years of flying experience at Garuda Indonesia and over 12,000 flying hours.
Q: What is the significance of Flight 152 in Indonesian aviation history?
A: Flight 152 remains the deadliest single-plane crash in Indonesia, and the deadliest aviation accident in 1997.