What was Fuzûlî's real name?
Q: What was Fuzûlî's real name?
A: Fuzûlî's real name was Muhammad bin Suleyman.
Q: When was Fuzûlî born and when did he die?
A: Fuzûlî was born around 1483 and died in 1556.
Q: In which three languages did Fuzûlî write his collected poems?
A: Fuzûlî wrote his collected poems in Azerbaijani Turkish, Persian, and Arabic.
Q: Was Fuzûlî only familiar with the Ottoman Turkish literary tradition?
A: No, Fuzûlî was familiar with both the Ottoman and the Chagatai Turkish literary traditions.
Q: What is Fuzûlî's contribution to the Dîvân tradition of Turkish literature?
A: Fuzûlî is considered one of the greatest contributors to the Dîvân tradition of Turkish literature.
Q: Besides poetry, what other subjects was Fuzûlî talented in?
A: Fuzûlî was also very able in mathematics and astronomy.
Q: In which language did Fuzûlî write his Turkish works?
A: Fuzûlî wrote his Turkish works in Azerbaijani.