What is a futon?
Q: What is a futon?
A: A futon is traditional Japanese bedding made up of a padded mattress, a quilt, and a pillow filled with beans.
Q: What is a shikibuton?
A: A shikibuton is a padded mattress used in a futon.
Q: What is a kakebuton?
A: A kakebuton is a quilt used in a futon.
Q: What is a makura?
A: A makura is a pillow filled with beans used in a futon.
Q: How do you use a futon?
A: A futon is put on the floor at night for sleeping and can be easily rolled up during the day when not in use.
Q: What does the word "futon" mean to many Japanese people?
A: To many Japanese people, the word "futon" means to go to bed, even if they sleep in a bed.
Q: What does the word "futon" refer to now?
A: The word "futon" now refers to things that Japanese people sleep on, including beds.