Where is Amroha located?
Q: Where is Amroha located?
A: Amroha is located in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh.
Q: What is the population of Amroha according to the Census 2011 India?
A: According to the Census 2011 India, the population of Amroha is 198,471.
Q: What is the ratio of males and females in Amroha?
A: Out of the population of 198,471, 103,097 are males and 95,374 are females.
Q: What is Amroha known for?
A: Amroha is known for the production of different types of mangoes.
Q: What are some of the industries present in Amroha?
A: Some of the industries present in Amroha include sugar milling, cotton & textiles, hand-loom weaving, and pottery making.
Q: Which city is located south-east of Amroha?
A: The text does not mention any city located south-east of Amroha.
Q: Which Indian state is Amroha a part of?
A: Amroha is a part of the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh.