When was Frederick McCubbin born?
Q: When was Frederick McCubbin born?
A: Frederick McCubbin was born on 25 February 1855 in Melbourne, Australia.
Q: Where did he study art?
A: He studied art at the National Gallery of Victoria's School of Design and the Victorian Academy of the Arts.
Q: How did his work become famous?
A: His paintings won several prizes from the National Gallery, which helped to make his work famous by the early 1880s.
Q: What type of painting is he remembered for?
A: He is remembered for his paintings focused on the Australian bush.
Q: What job did he have at the National Gallery?
A: At the National Gallery, he became instructor and master of the School of Design.
Q: Who did McCubbin marry?
A: In March 1889, McCubbin married Annie Moriarty.
Q: When did he die? A:McCubbin died in 1917 from a heart attack.