What is Fraserburgh?

Q: What is Fraserburgh?

A: Fraserburgh is a town in Aberdeenshire, Scotland.

Q: What is the population recorded in the 2001 Census in Fraserburgh?

A: The population recorded in the 2001 Census in Fraserburgh is 12,454.

Q: Where is Fraserburgh located in Aberdeenshire?

A: Fraserburgh is located at the northeast corner of Aberdeenshire.

Q: How far is Fraserburgh from Aberdeen and Peterhead?

A: Fraserburgh is around 40 miles (64 km) north of Aberdeen and 17 miles (27 km) north of Peterhead.

Q: What is the main industry in Fraserburgh?

A: The main industry in Fraserburgh is fishing, with the town being the largest shellfish port in Europe and a major white fish port.

Q: What is the other major function of Fraserburgh's port?

A: The other major function of Fraserburgh's port is as a busy commercial harbour.

Q: What is the Scottish Gaelic name for Fraserburgh?

A: The Scottish Gaelic name for Fraserburgh is A' Bhruaich.

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