What is the four-horned antelope?

Q: What is the four-horned antelope?

A: The four-horned antelope is a bovine even-toed ungulate that is different from other bovines because it has four horns instead of two.

Q: What is the Hindi name for the four-horned antelope?

A: The Hindi name for the four-horned antelope is chousingha.

Q: How tall are four-horned antelope and how much do they weigh?

A: Four-horned antelope are about 0.60 meters high and they weigh about 20 kilograms.

Q: Where do four-horned antelope live?

A: Four-horned antelope live in India and Nepal, specifically in forests.

Q: What do four-horned antelope eat?

A: Four-horned antelope eat grass.

Q: Why are four-horned antelope hunted?

A: Four-horned antelope are hunted by trophy-hunters because of their four horns, but they are also hunted for their meat.

Q: Why are there now fewer than 10,000 four-horned antelopes?

A: There are now fewer than 10,000 four-horned antelopes due to habitat loss and hunting.

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