Where is Fort Hays State University located?

Q: Where is Fort Hays State University located?

A: Fort Hays State University is located in Hays, Kansas.

Q: What type of university is Fort Hays State University?

A: Fort Hays State University is a public university.

Q: How many state universities are governed by the Kansas Board of Regents?

A: The Kansas Board of Regents governs six state universities.

Q: What is the student population of Fort Hays State University?

A: Fort Hays State University has a student population of about 15,100.

Q: How many students are enrolled in the Chinese program at Fort Hays State University?

A: There are 3,570 students enrolled in the Chinese program at Fort Hays State University.

Q: What is the breakdown of on-campus and online students at Fort Hays State University?

A: Fort Hays State University has 4,648 students on campus and 6,882 online students.

Q: What is the rank of Fort Hays State University in terms of size compared to the other state universities in Kansas?

A: Fort Hays State University is the third-biggest of the six state universities governed by the Kansas Board of Regents.

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