What is an amine?
Q: What is an amine?
A: An amine is a molecule that has a nitrogen atom capable of behaving as a base.
Q: How is an amine related to ammonia?
A: An amine can be thought of coming from ammonia. The difference is that the three hydrogens in ammonia are changed to any group or atom.
Q: What is the difference between primary, secondary, and tertiary amines?
A: If only one of the hydrogens in ammonia is changed, the amine is called primary. If two are changed, the amine is called secondary. If all three are changed then it is called tertiary.
Q: What is a quaternary ammonium cation?
A: A quaternary ammonium cation is a fourth group that can be added to the nitrogen. It is not an amine but is a salt.
Q: What is an amide?
A: An amide is a molecule that has a carbonyl group on the nitrogen. It has very different properties from an amine.
Q: What are some uses of amines in chemistry?
A: Amines can do many reactions because the nitrogen has a lone pair. It can take protons away from some acids and be a nucleophile. It can also be changed into imines and other functional groups.
Q: Where are amines found in biology?
A: Amines are found in many proteins. They are a part of every amino acid.