What is fluid mechanics?
Q: What is fluid mechanics?
A: Fluid mechanics is the study of how liquids and gases move, and the forces acting upon them.
Q: How is fluid mechanics divided?
A: Fluid mechanics is divided into two branches: fluid statics, which studies fluids at rest, and fluid dynamics, which studies fluids in motion.
Q: What is continuum mechanics?
A: Continuum mechanics is a subject that models matter without considering that it is made up of atoms.
Q: When can the study of fluid mechanics be traced back to?
A: The study of fluid mechanics can be traced back at least to ancient Greece, where the beginning of fluid statics was made by Archimedes.
Q: Is fluid mechanics a field of active research?
A: Yes, fluid mechanics, especially fluid dynamics, is an active field of research that has many unsolved, or partly solved problems.
Q: Why can fluid mechanics be mathematically complex?
A: Fluid mechanics can be mathematically complex because it involves complex equations, mathematical models, and numerical analysis, which are used to describe the behavior of fluids.
Q: What is Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)?
A: Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is a modern discipline that aims to solve fluid mechanics problems by using numerical analysis, typically using computers.