What is the Flame nebula?

Q: What is the Flame nebula?

A: The Flame nebula is a nebula located in the constellation Orion.

Q: Does the Flame nebula have a well-defined edge?

A: No, the Flame nebula does not have a well-defined edge.

Q: How far away is the Flame nebula?

A: The Flame nebula is approximately 900 to 1,500 light-years away.

Q: What is the Orion complex?

A: The Orion complex is a star-making area that includes the Flame nebula and the Horsehead nebula.

Q: What is the name of the bright star that shines a glow of electrons into the Flame nebula?

A: The bright star that shines a glow of electrons into the Flame nebula is called Alnitak (ζ Ori).

Q: Where is Alnitak located in relation to the Flame nebula?

A: Alnitak is the most eastern star in the Belt of Orion and shines a glow of electrons into the Flame nebula.

Q: What else can be found in the Orion complex?

A: The famous Horsehead nebula can also be found in the Orion complex along with the Flame nebula.

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