When did the Maple Leaf flag become Canada's official flag?
Q: When did the Maple Leaf flag become Canada's official flag?
A: The Maple Leaf flag became Canada's flag on 15 February 1965.
Q: What flag did Canada use before the Maple Leaf flag?
A: Before the Maple Leaf flag, Canada used the British Red Ensign with Canada's coat of arms on it.
Q: Why did flag and heraldry experts refer to the design of the Canadian flag as a Canadian Pale?
A: Flag and heraldry experts called the design of the Canadian flag a Canadian Pale because the white stripe in the middle (called a pale in heraldry) was not the usual narrow stripe but was half the width of the flag.
Q: On some days, what flag does the Canadian government fly next to the Maple Leaf Flag?
A: On some days, the Canadian government flies the Royal Union Flag next to the Maple Leaf Flag.
Q: What is the Royal Union Flag?
A: The Royal Union Flag is the British Union Jack, and is a symbol that Canada is a member of the Commonwealth, and that Canada and Britain share a history and a monarch.
Q: Who had some input on what the Canadian flag was to be?
A: The Queen of Great Britain had some say in what the flag was to be.
Q: Why did the Queen of Great Britain prefer the maple leaf to be on the Canadian flag?
A: The Queen of Great Britain thought that the maple leaf greatly represents the country of Canada.