What is the division of ferns?

Q: What is the division of ferns?

A: Ferns belong to the division Pteridophyta.

Q: How do ferns differ from bryophytes?

A: Ferns have xylem and phloem, which makes them vascular plants, whereas bryophytes do not have these features.

Q: What class do most ferns belong to?

A: Most ferns belong to the Class Leptosporangiata (or Pteridopsida).

Q: What is special about horsetails?

A: Horsetails belong to another class, the Equisetopsida, which was extremely important in the Carboniferous period and only one genus survives today.

Q: How can ferns survive in more places than mosses but not as many as flowering plants?

A: Ferns do not have waxes or special cells on their surface that keep water from evaporating so they best live in a place where there is a lot of fog or has a lot of rainfall and is in a shade that protects them from direct sunlight. This means they can survive in more places than moss but not so many as flowering plants.

Q: How did ferns reproduce during the Carboniferous period?

A: During the Carboniferous period – from 350 million years ago – ferns reproduced through spores instead of seeds.

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