Who was Ferdinand Julius Cohn?

Q: Who was Ferdinand Julius Cohn?

A: Ferdinand Julius Cohn was a German biologist who is considered to be a founder of modern bacteriology and microbiology.

Q: Where was he born?

A: He was born in the Jewish quarter of Breslau, which is now Wroclaw, Poland.

Q: What did his father buy for him?

A: His father bought him an expensive microscope, which was better than those available at most universities at that time.

Q: What did he study in the 1850s?

A: In the 1850s, he studied the growth and division of plant cells. He also produced papers on the sexuality of Sphaeroplea and Volvox.

Q: What did he classify algae as?

A: He classified algae as plants, and defined what distinguished them from green plants.

Q: What did he study from 1870 onward?

A: From 1870 onward, he mostly studied bacteria and published over 150 research reports during his lifetime.

Q: How did Cohn explain why boiled infusions of hay and cheese could still get microbial growth?

A: Cohn explained that it was because they contained heat resistant spores.

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