How many days are in February?

Q: How many days are in February?

A: In common years, February has 28 days and in leap years, it has 29 days.

Q: When did Sweden have 30 days in February?

A: In 1732, Sweden had 30 days in the month of February.

Q: What caused some countries to have 30 days in February during certain years?

A: Some countries had 30 days in February during certain years because the government changed all the months to be 30 days long. For example, the Soviet Union had 30 day Februaries for two consecutive years (1930 and 1931).

Q: What is the origin of the name "February"?

A: The name "February" comes either from the Roman god Februus or else from "februa", which were festivals of purification celebrated in Rome every fifteenth of this month.

Q: Does February always begin on the same day as March and November?

A: Yes, February always begins on the same day as March and November in common years.

Q: Does February end on the same day as October each year? A: Yes, February always ends on the same day as October each year. Additionally, January also ends on that same day of week in common years.

Q: Was 2020 a leap year? A: Yes, 2020 was a leap year so there were 29 days in February that year. - 2020 / 2023 - License CC3