Where is FC Viitorul Constanța located?

Q: Where is FC Viitorul Constanța located?

A: FC Viitorul Constanța is located in Ovidiu, Constanța County, Romania.

Q: When was FC Viitorul Constanța founded?

A: FC Viitorul Constanța was founded in the summer of 2009.

Q: Who founded FC Viitorul Constanța?

A: FC Viitorul Constanța was founded by famous Romanian footballer Gheorghe Hagi.

Q: What league does FC Viitorul Constanța play in?

A: FC Viitorul Constanța currently plays in the Liga I.

Q: When did FC Viitorul Constanța win the Liga III?

A: FC Viitorul Constanța won the Liga III in the 2009-10 season.

Q: What are the team colours of FC Viitorul Constanța?

A: The team colours of FC Viitorul Constanța are blue, white, and black.

Q: What is notable about FC Viitorul Constanța's youth facilities?

A: FC Viitorul Constanța currently possesses the top youth facilities of any club in the country.

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