What is fax and what does it stand for?

Q: What is fax and what does it stand for?

A: Fax is the transmission of scanned printed material (both text and images) to a telephone number connected to a printer or other output device. It stands for facsimile.

Q: How is a document transmitted through a fax machine?

A: The document is scanned with a fax machine or a telecopier, which turns the contents into a bitmap. Then the bitmap is sent through the telephone system. The receiving fax machine reconverts the coded image and prints a paper copy.

Q: What are some advantages of using fax machines?

A: Fax machines provide a secure way to transmit sensitive material, which if sent over the internet may be intercepted. In some countries, faxed contracts with copies of signatures are recognized by law, while electronic signatures are not.

Q: How can internet messages be made secure?

A: Internet messages can be made secure through encryption, which is a secret coding system.

Q: Why has fax technology faced competition from internet-based methods?

A: Fax technology has faced competition from internet-based methods because they are often more convenient and cost-effective.

Q: How have standalone fax machines been replaced in many businesses?

A: Standalone fax machines have been replaced by fax servers which receive and store incoming faxes electronically. The servers route them to users on paper or via a secure email, eliminating unnecessary printouts and reducing the number of inbound phone lines needed by an office.

Q: What does a telecopier do?

A: A telecopier is another name for a fax machine, which scans printed material and transmits it through the telephone system.

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