What is fasting?

Q: What is fasting?

A: Fasting is a kind of abstinence where someone does not eat or drink for some specified period of time, usually done for religious reasons.

Q: Are there exceptions to observing the fasting?

A: Yes, there are exceptions made for certain groups of people.

Q: How long has fasting been practiced?

A: Fasting has been practiced since pre-history and is mentioned in various religious texts such as the Qur'an, Mahabharata, Upanishads, and Bible.

Q: Is sexual intercourse allowed while fasting?

A: Depending on the tradition, sexual intercourse may be forbidden while fasting.

Q: Does fasting involve abstaining from certain types of food?

A: Yes, depending on the tradition it may involve refraining from eating certain types or groups of food (e.g. meat).

Q: Is masturbation prohibited during a fast?

A: Depending on the tradition, masturbation may be prohibited during a fast.

Q: What is Nirvana in Buddhism?

A: In Buddhism Nirvana is an enlightened state that can be achieved through following certain practices such as fasting.

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