What is XMPP?

Q: What is XMPP?

A: XMPP stands for Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol. It is a protocol for instant messaging that is inspired by XML and is an open standard.

Q: How is XMPP different from other protocols?

A: XMPP is different from other protocols because it is an open standard. This means that anybody who has a domain name and an internet connection can run their own server.

Q: What are some software that use XMPP protocol?

A: Google Talk and Gizmo5 are examples of software that use the XMPP protocol. Most of the software and the clients are open source.

Q: How many servers across the internet have installed XMPP?

A: XMPP has been installed on thousands of servers across the internet.

Q: How many users use software based on the XMPP protocol?

A: There are over five hundred million users who use software based on the XMPP protocol.

Q: What are some clients that use XMPP?

A: Some clients that use XMPP include Pidgin and iChat.

Q: What is the main advantage of XMPP being an open standard?

A: The main advantage of XMPP being an open standard is that anybody who has a domain name and an internet connection can run their own server.

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