What is an abbreviation?
Q: What is an abbreviation?
A: An abbreviation is a shorter way to write a word or phrase.
Q: Why do people use abbreviations?
A: People use abbreviations for words that they write a lot.
Q: What is an apostrophe mark used for in English language abbreviations?
A: The apostrophe mark ' is occasionally used in English language abbreviations to show that a word is written in a shorter way.
Q: What do Latin language abbreviations commonly use instead of an apostrophe mark?
A: Latin language abbreviations commonly use periods.
Q: Can new abbreviations be created by scientists, workers in companies and governments, and people using the Internet?
A: Yes, new abbreviations can be created by scientists, workers in companies and governments, and people using the Internet.
Q: What are examples of common acronyms?
A: Examples of common acronyms include "radar" (Radio Detection and Ranging), IBM (International Business Machines), and NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration).
Q: What do people mean when they write "LOL" and "ASAP"?
A: When people using the Internet write "LOL", they mean "Laughing Out Loud". When they write "ASAP", they mean "As Soon As Possible".