Who was Eva González?

Q: Who was Eva González?

A: Eva González was a Spanish writer from Palacios del Sil, province of Llión, Spain who contributed to literature in the Leonese language.

Q: When was Eva González born and when did she pass away?

A: Eva González was born in 1918 and died in 2007 in León.

Q: What did Eva González write?

A: Eva González wrote several published books, including "Poesías ya cuentus na nuesa tsingua" (1980), "Bitsarón. Cousas pa nenos y pa grandes na nuesa tsingua" (1981), "Xentiquina" (1983), "Xeitus: poesías ya cuentus" (1985), and "Branas d'antanu ya xente d'anguanu: poesías ya cuentus" (1990, reedited 2003).

Q: What recognition did Eva González receive for her contribution to literature?

A: Eva González has a dedicated street in León city for her contribution to the literature in the Leonese language.

Q: Was Eva González a collective writer?

A: Yes, Eva González was also a part of collective books.

Q: How many books did Eva González write?

A: Eva González wrote at least five published books.

Q: In what language did Eva González write her literature?

A: Eva González wrote in the Leonese language.

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