What is Amazonas?

Q: What is Amazonas?

A: Amazonas is the largest state of Brazil.

Q: Where is Amazonas located and what countries/borders does it share?

A: Amazonas is located in the North Region of Brazil and it borders Acre, Mato Grosso, Pará, Rondônia, Roraima and some countries of Latin America.

Q: What is the highest part of Brazil and where is it located?

A: The highest part of Brazil is Pico da Neblina and it is located in Amazonas.

Q: What is the legend behind the name of Amazonas?

A: The name Amazonas is named after the Amazons legend, which is a mythical tribe of warrior women.

Q: What is the major river in Amazonas?

A: The major river in Amazonas is the Amazon River, which is the second longest river in the world.

Q: What are some other rivers found in Amazonas?

A: Other rivers found in Amazonas are Rio Juruá, Purus, Madeira, Rio Negro, Rio Içá, Rio Uaupés, and Rio Japurá.

Q: What industries is Amazonas' economy based on?

A: Amazonas' economy is based on mining, fishing, and industry.

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