What is Eunice aphroditois also known as?

Q: What is Eunice aphroditois also known as?

A: Eunice aphroditois is also known as the bobbit worm or sand striker.

Q: What kind of predator is the bobbit worm?

A: The bobbit worm is an ambush predator of the sea floor.

Q: Where does the bobbit worm dwell?

A: The bobbit worm is a polychaete worm dwelling in a burrow on the ocean floor.

Q: How does the bobbit worm attack its prey?

A: The bobbit worm attacks its prey with sharp pincers and with such speed and ferocity that its prey is sometimes sliced in half.

Q: What does the bobbit worm do after it captures its prey?

A: Usually, the bobbit worm drags its prey down into its burrow and eats it there.

Q: What does the bobbit worm use to lure its prey?

A: The bobbit worm waves a few feelers (antennae) as a kind of lure.

Q: Where can one watch a video of the bobbit worm in action?

A: One can watch a video of the bobbit worm in action on YouTube.

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