Who wrote Euclid's Elements?
Q: Who wrote Euclid's Elements?
A: Euclid (c.325 BC–265 BC), an ancient Greek mathematician, wrote Euclid's Elements.
Q: When was it written?
A: It was written in Alexandria, Egypt circa 300 BC.
Q: What is the title of the Latin translation of Euclid's Elements?
A: The Latin translation of Euclid's Elements is titled "Euclidis Elementorum".
Q: What topics are covered in the book?
A: Topics covered in the book include geometry, perspective, conic sections, spherical geometry, quadric surfaces and number theory.
Q: What does Euclid do with a small set of axioms?
A: With a small set of axioms, Euclid shows the properties of geometric objects and whole numbers.
Q: What is greatest common divisor?
A: The greatest common divisor (GCD) is the greatest number that can divide evenly into two given numbers.
Q: How is today’s geometrical system referred to compared to what was known as “geometry” during ancient times?
A: Today’s geometrical system is referred to as Euclidean geometry to distinguish it from other non-Euclidean geometries which mathematicians discovered in the 19th century.