What percentage of languages spoken in Pakistan are Indo-Iranian?
Q: What percentage of languages spoken in Pakistan are Indo-Iranian?
A: About 98% of languages spoken in Pakistan are Indo-Iranian.
Q: What is the script used to write most languages in Pakistan?
A: Most languages of Pakistan are written in the Perso-Arabic script.
Q: How many major ethnic groups make up the population of Pakistan?
A: The population comprises several main ethnic groups, including Punjabis, Pashtuns, Sindhis, Seraikis, Muhajirs, Balochis and Chitralis.
Q: What is the largest ethnic group in terms of numerical size?
A: Punjabis make up the largest ethnic group with 40.20%, or 70.7 million people.
Q: Are there any language isolates present within Pakistan?
A: Yes, small groups language isolates such as Burusho and Brahui-speaking peoples also live in the country.
Q: Where can smaller ethnic groups be found within Pakistan?
A: Smaller ethnic groups such as Kashmiris, Kalash, Burusho, Brahui, Khowar, Shina and Turwalis are mainly found in the northern parts of the country.
Q: Is Potoharis listed separately from Punjabis when counting populations?
A: Yes, Potoharis from Northern Punjab are sometimes listed separately from Punjabis which would tend to decrease their population further.