Who was Erving Goffman?

Q: Who was Erving Goffman?

A: Erving Goffman was a Canadian sociologist and writer.

Q: What did Erving Goffman write about?

A: Erving Goffman wrote about social stigma.

Q: When was Erving Goffman's first book published?

A: Erving Goffman's first book was published in 1959.

Q: What was the title of Erving Goffman's book published in 1961?

A: The title of Erving Goffman's book published in 1961 was "Asylums: Essays on the Social Situation of Mental Patients and Other Inmates".

Q: What was Erving Goffman's position at the University of Pennsylvania?

A: In 1968, Erving Goffman became a Chair in Sociology and Anthropology at the University of Pennsylvania.

Q: Was Erving Goffman's last book nominated for an award?

A: Yes, Erving Goffman's last book, "Forms of Talk", was nominated for a National Book Critics Circle award.

Q: How did Erving Goffman die?

A: Erving Goffman died on November 20, 1982 of stomach cancer.

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