What does ERTU stand for?
Q: What does ERTU stand for?
A: ERTU stands for the Egyptian Radio and Television Union.
Q: What is the Arabic name for ERTU?
A: The Arabic name for ERTU is Ittihād al-Idhā‘ah wal-Tilīfizyūn al-Miṣrī.
Q: What was the previous name of ERTU?
A: The previous name of ERTU was the Arab Radio and Television Union.
Q: Who operates ERTU?
A: ERTU is operated by the Egyptian government.
Q: Is ERTU a public broadcaster or a private one?
A: ERTU is a public broadcaster.
Q: What organization is ERTU a member of?
A: ERTU is a member of the European Broadcasting Union.
Q: What does ERTU do?
A: ERTU provides radio and television broadcasting services in Egypt.