What is erosion?
Q: What is erosion?
A: Erosion is a process where natural forces like water, wind, ice, and gravity transport rocks and soil. It is a geological process, and part of the rock cycle.
Q: Does erosion affect the Earth's mantle or core?
A: No, erosion only occurs at the Earth's surface and has no effect on the Earth's mantle or core.
Q: What provides most of the energy for erosion?
A: The Sun provides most of the energy that makes erosion happen. The Sun's energy causes the movement of water and ice in the water cycle and the movement of air to create wind.
Q: How can erosion cause problems for humans?
A: Erosion can cause problems for humans by removing soil which can create problems for farmers, or by removing rocks or soil that support buildings.
Q: What are some natural elements that can cause erosion?
A: Natural elements such as wind and ice can cause erosion.
Q: Is erosion part of any other process?
A: Yes, erosion is part of the rock cycle.