What are the coordinates of Ermoupolis?

Q: What are the coordinates of Ermoupolis?

A: The coordinates of Ermoupolis are 37°16′N 24°33′E / 37.26°N 24.55°E / 37.26; 24.55.

Q: Where is Ermoupolis located?

A: Ermoupolis is a Greek town located on the island Syros and it is the capital of Cyclades islands.

Q: How many people live in Ermoupolis?

A: There are 13,496 people living in Ermoupolis.

Q: What kind of buildings can be found in Ermoupolis?

A: In Ermoupolis there are many beautiful old buildings which note the wealth that existed in the past, such as ermoupolis' town hall and Apollon theater.

Q: When did Catholic people start living around Ermoupolis?

A: The existence of Catholic people dates back to the Franks and Venetian rule in Middle Ages.

Q: Are there any other places with a similar history to Ermoupolis?

A: Yes, there may be other places with similar histories to that of Ermoupolis but this would depend on their location and historical events that have taken place within those areas over time.

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