What are enteroviruses?

Q: What are enteroviruses?

A: Enteroviruses are a group of viruses that usually live in the gut of humans and other mammals.

Q: Do all enteroviruses cause disease?

A: No, most enteroviruses do not cause disease in humans or other mammals.

Q: What type of infection can enteroviruses cause?

A: Enteroviruses can cause a mild form of meningitis, which is an infection near the brain.

Q: Are all enteroviruses equally dangerous?

A: No, some members of the enterovirus group, such as poliovirus, can sometimes be more dangerous.

Q: What are enteroviruses made of?

A: Enteroviruses are made of RNA.

Q: Are there different kinds of enteroviruses?

A: Yes, there are many different kinds of enteroviruses.

Q: Where do enteroviruses usually reside in the body?

A: Enteroviruses usually live in the gut of humans and other mammals.

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