What are the coordinates of Alverca do Ribatejo?
Q: What are the coordinates of Alverca do Ribatejo?
A: The coordinates of Alverca do Ribatejo are 38°53'24"N 09°02'24"W.
Q: In which country is Alverca do Ribatejo located?
A: Alverca do Ribatejo is located in Portugal.
Q: Is Alverca do Ribatejo a city or a town?
A: Alverca do Ribatejo is a city.
Q: What is the name of the municipality that includes Alverca do Ribatejo?
A: The municipality that includes Alverca do Ribatejo is Vila Franca de Xira.
Q: What is the population of Alverca do Ribatejo?
A: The text does not provide information about the population of Alverca do Ribatejo.
Q: What is the significance of the coordinates 38°53'24"N 09°02'24"W?
A: The coordinates 38°53'24"N 09°02'24"W are the exact location of Alverca do Ribatejo on the Earth's surface.
Q: Where is Alverca do Ribatejo located in relation to Vila Franca de Xira?
A: Alverca do Ribatejo is located within the municipality of Vila Franca de Xira.