What breed of dog is the English Cocker Spaniel?

Q: What breed of dog is the English Cocker Spaniel?

A: The English Cocker Spaniel is a breed of dog.

Q: What were Spaniels bred to do?

A: Spaniels were bred to hunt and were used as hunting dogs to retrieve shot animals.

Q: How do English Cocker Spaniels rank in Stanley Coren's The Intelligence of Dogs?

A: English Cocker Spaniels rank 18th in Stanley Coren's The Intelligence of Dogs, meaning they are very intelligent.

Q: What nickname do English Cocker Spaniels have?

A: Because they wag their tails a lot, English Cocker Spaniels have the nickname "merry cocker".

Q: How tall and heavy are English Cocker Spaniels?

A: The height of an English Cocker Spaniel is from 38 to 41 cm, and the weight is from 11–13 kg.

Q: Do these dogs need regular grooming?

A: Yes, the hair of an English Cocker Spaniel needs to be trimmed from time to time or else they will shed a lot of hair.

Q: Are these dogs good family pets?

A: Yes, English Cockers make good family pets as they are loving, happy, friendly and intelligent animals that don't like being alone and want to be close with their owners as often as possible.

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