Where is Älvdalen located?

Q: Where is Älvdalen located?

A: Älvdalen is located in Dalarna County, Sweden.

Q: How many people lived in Älvdalen in 2010?

A: In 2010, 1,810 people lived in Älvdalen.

Q: Why is Älvdalen famous?

A: Älvdalen is famous for being the place of manufacturing the 4-meter granite vase (called Älvdalen Vase) in 1839, which was installed in the Summer Garden in Saint Petersburg as a gift from Charles XIV John of Sweden to Nicholas I of Russia.

Q: What is Älvdalen Vase?

A: Älvdalen Vase is a 4-meter granite vase that was manufactured in 1839 in Älvdalen as a gift from Charles XIV John of Sweden to Nicholas I of Russia, which is now installed in the Summer Garden in Saint Petersburg.

Q: Who gifted Älvdalen Vase to Nicholas I of Russia?

A: Charles XIV John of Sweden gifted Älvdalen Vase to Nicholas I of Russia.

Q: What is the significance of Älvdalen Vase?

A: Älvdalen Vase is significant because it is a gift from Charles XIV John of Sweden to Nicholas I of Russia and is installed in the Summer Garden in Saint Petersburg.

Q: What is the population of Älvdalen?

A: The population of Älvdalen is not mentioned in the given text but it is known that in 2010, 1,810 people lived there.

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