What was Emperor Norton's full name?
Q: What was Emperor Norton's full name?
A: His full name was Joshua Abraham Norton.
Q: Where was he born?
A: He was born in London to John and Sarah Norton.
Q: How did he make a living before becoming emperor?
A: Before he became emperor, he made a living by being a businessman.
Q: What happened to his money when he tried to control the rice market in San Francisco?
A: When he tried to control the rice market in San Francisco by buying all the rice he could find, he lost a lot of money because ships came with more rice.
Q: When did Emperor Norton I die?
A: Emperor Norton I died on January 8, 1880.
Q: What is the cause of his death?
A: The cause of his death is unknown.
Q: Where is Emperor Norton buried?
A:He is now buried at Woodlawn Cemetery.