Who is Emilie Béatrice Epaye?

Q: Who is Emilie Béatrice Epaye?

A: Emilie Béatrice Epaye is a politician and teacher from the Central African Republic.

Q: What has Emilie Béatrice Epaye done in her career?

A: Emilie Béatrice Epaye was a minister in the government and worked in the National Assembly.

Q: What is Emilie Béatrice Epaye's goal?

A: Emilie Béatrice Epaye works towards achieving better government, economic development, freedom, human rights, and peace.

Q: What recognition did Emilie Béatrice Epaye receive in 2015?

A: In 2015, Emilie Béatrice Epaye won the U.S. State Department's International Women of Courage Award.

Q: What is the International Women of Courage Award?

A: The International Women of Courage Award is an award given by the U.S. State Department to women who display bravery, leadership, and courage in promoting human rights and women's empowerment.

Q: What are some of Emilie Béatrice Epaye's values?

A: Emilie Béatrice Epaye values economic development, freedom, human rights, and peace.

Q: Is Emilie Béatrice Epaye only known in her home country?

A: No, Emilie Béatrice Epaye has gained international recognition for her work and was recognized by the U.S. State Department with the International Women of Courage Award.

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