Who was Ellis Kaut?

Q: Who was Ellis Kaut?

A: Ellis Kaut was a German author of children's literature.

Q: When was Ellis Kaut born and when did she die?

A: Ellis Kaut was born on November 17, 1920, and she died on September 24, 2015.

Q: What is Ellis Kaut best known for?

A: Ellis Kaut is best known for creating Pumuckl, an imp that appears in radio plays and TV series.

Q: Did Ellis Kaut only write about Pumuckl?

A: No, Ellis Kaut also published novellas and some illustrated books.

Q: Can you provide more information about Pumuckl?

A: Pumuckl is an imp that Ellis Kaut created. He appears in radio plays and TV series.

Q: What is Pumuckl's role in Ellis Kaut's stories?

A: Pumuckl is the main character in Ellis Kaut's stories.

Q: Was Ellis Kaut a popular author in Germany?

A: Yes, Ellis Kaut was a popular author in Germany, especially for her stories about Pumuckl.

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