What is Elizabeth, New Jersey?

Q: What is Elizabeth, New Jersey?

A: Elizabeth, New Jersey is a city located in Union County, New Jersey, United States.

Q: What was the population of Elizabeth, New Jersey according to the 2010 United States Census?

A: According to the 2010 United States Census, the population of Elizabeth, New Jersey was 124,969.

Q: What is the rank of Elizabeth, New Jersey in terms of population in New Jersey?

A: Elizabeth, New Jersey is the fourth largest city in New Jersey.

Q: What recognition did Elizabeth, New Jersey receive in 2008?

A: In 2008, Elizabeth, New Jersey was named one of "America's 50 Greenest Cities" by Popular Science magazine.

Q: Was Elizabeth the only city in New Jersey recognized in this honor?

A: Yes, Elizabeth, New Jersey was the only city in New Jersey selected for this honor.

Q: Where does the Elizabeth River flow?

A: The Elizabeth River flows into Newark Bay in Elizabeth, New Jersey.

Q: What is the significance of the Elizabeth River in relation to Elizabeth, New Jersey?

A: The Elizabeth River flows into Newark Bay in Elizabeth, New Jersey, making it an important aspect of the city's geography and history.

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