What is electron crystallography?

Q: What is electron crystallography?

A: Electron crystallography is a method to determine the arrangement of atoms in solids using a transmission electron microscope (TEM).

Q: How does electron crystallography compare to X-ray crystallography?

A: Electron crystallography works in cases where X-ray crystallography does not. X-ray crystallography needs large 3-D crystals to work, while electron crystallography can be used with 2-dimensional crystals (sheets or helices), polyhedrons such as viral capsids, or dispersed proteins.

Q: Why can electrons be used in situations where X-rays cannot?

A: Electrons interact more strongly with atoms than X-rays do, which allows them to be used in situations where X-rays cannot.

Q: Who invented electron crystallography?

A: Aaron Klug invented electron crystallography.

Q: What did Aaron Klug win the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for?

A: Aaron Klug won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his invention of electron crystallography, as well as his studies on virus structures and transfer RNA.

Q: What was the first electron crystallographic protein structure to be solved?

A: The first electron crystallographic protein structure to be solved was bacteriorhodopsin in 1990.

Q: What are some other high-resolution structures that have been solved by electron crystallography?

A: Other high-resolution structures that have been solved by electron crystallography include the light-harvesting complex and the bacterial flagellum.

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